Dave Mello

Horizon Retirement Advisors, LLC

What Do Different Annuities Offer?

Secure Your Retirement: A Look at the Different Types of Annuities"

Confused about annuities? You're not alone! The world of annuities can be overwhelming but choosing the right one can make a big difference in your financial future. So, let's break it down.

Fixed Annuity: The No-Frills Investment

Think of a Fixed Annuity like a Certificate of Deposit (CD) in the insurance world. Here, you invest a lump sum for a set period (1 to 8 years), and you get a guaranteed rate of return. Some plans let you withdraw a bit (usually 5-20%) each year. Ultimately, you get your principal back along with the earned interest. Simple, right? This is often referred to as a Multi-Year Guarantee Annuity (MYGA).

Immediate Annuity: Quick and Lifelong Income

When people hear "Annuity," they usually think of an Immediate Annuity or SPIA (Single Premium Immediate Annuity). This is the "give a lump sum, get a lifetime income" model. Hand over a chunk of money to the insurance company, and they pay you a set amount regularly for a specific period of life. You can also extend this benefit to a spouse. Plus, you can add protection against inflation. It's quick and offers ongoing income.

Variable Annuity: High Risk, High Reward

Investment-savvy? A Variable Annuity might catch your interest. Here, your money goes into sub-accounts invested in the stock market. Your account value can go up or down depending on market conditions. However, some plans guarantee a death benefit, ensuring a set amount to your heirs even if the market falters. Beware of fees: ask for a complete list of expenses and fees before diving in.

Fixed Indexed Annuity: The Best of Both Worlds

For those who like a bit of risk but also want some safety, Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) might be the perfect fit. Created in 1995, this annuity offers market-like returns but protects your principal. Your gains are tied to a specific index, and your principal is secure even if the market becomes volatile. The annuity also provides lifetime income options and even covers in-home or assisted-living care costs through what's known as a "Living Benefit."

The Big Question: Which One is for You?

Choosing an annuity is about aligning it with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Do you want something simple and guaranteed? Go for a Fixed Annuity. Want income for life? Immediate annuity may be a good bet. Feeling adventurous and want market-linked growth? Check out a Fixed Indexed Annuity which may be ideal if you want a mix of growth and security.

Ready to take control of your financial future? Don't leave your retirement to chance. Learn more about which annuity is the perfect fit for you and consult with a financial advisor today!

  • The article breaks down the four main types of annuities: Fixed Annuity, Immediate Annuity, Variable Annuity, and Fixed Indexed Annuity, making it easier for consumers to understand their options.
  • A Fixed Annuity offers a straightforward, guaranteed rate of return over a specific time period, much like a Certificate of Deposit (CD).
  • An Immediate Annuity provides a quick, lifelong income stream in exchange for a lump sum, ideal for immediate retirement needs.
  • Variable Annuities are invested in separate account mostly invested in securities and offer potential for higher returns, but come with fees and market risks.
  • Fixed Indexed Annuities provide a mix of growth potential and security, offering partial market-linked gains while protecting the principal.

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Dave Mello picture

Dave Mello

Horizon Retirement Advisors, LLC

707 Mount Rose St.

Reno, Nevada 98509


(775) 851-4754

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